Preferred Options Paper
The Preferred Options Paper (POP) is the first of three public consultation documents that the Council will issue during the LDP process. It marks the end of Stage 1 - Initial Plan Preparation.
The main purpose of the POP is to encourage focused debate on key issues of strategic significance which are likely to influence the direction of future development within our Borough up to 2030. The POP outlines the vision and strategic objectives of the Plan, identifies the key issues and outlines options to address these issues, including the Council's preferred options and the reasoning behind them.
Public consultation on the Preferred Options Paper ran from 17 May 2019 for 12 weeks and ended at 4.30pm on 9 August 2019.
The POP and supporting documentation can be viewed at the links below.
- LDP - Preferred Options Paper March 2019 (PDF, 21 MB) (opens new window)
- LDP - Preferred Options Paper March 2019 (PDF, 21 MB) (opens new window)
- POP Appendix Maps:
LDP POP Accessibility Maps (PDF, 7 MB) (opens new window)
LDP POP Town Centre Maps (PDF, 11 MB) (opens new window)
LDP POP Conservation Areas Maps (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)