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Key Stages of the LDP

There are four main stages in the LDP process: 

  • STAGE 1 Initial Plan Preparation
  • STAGE 2 Plan Strategy
  • STAGE 3 Local Policies Plan
  • STAGE 4 Monitoring & Review

Read more about these stages below or view Key Stages in the Local Development Plan Process (PDF, 107 KB) (opens new window)

Initial Plan Preparation 

This first stage comprises the preparation of the LDP Timetable and the Council's Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) alongside the preparation of a Preferred Options Paper (POP).

The purpose of the POP is to set out:

  • a series of options for dealing with key issues in the plan area;
  • evidence to appraise the different issues and options; and
  • a council's preferred options and its justification.

The POP aims to stimulate public comment and help interested parties become involved in a more meaningful way at this earliest stage of plan preparation. This is crucial to identify relevant local issues which need to be considered from the outset of plan preparation.

Following consultation on the POP, a council must take account of any representations received before it prepares the Plan Strategy and Local Policies Plan.

Plan Strategy

This LDP document will set out the Council's objectives in relation to the development and use of land in our Borough and the strategic policies for the implementation of those objectives and other relevant matters. The Plan Strategy will be based on both the information gathered and also the public and stakeholder responses to the POP.

As part of this process, the Council will also carry out a range of assessments including a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and Rural Proofing before publishing the draft Plan Strategy and all the above assessments for public consultation.

Following consultation, the Plan Strategy will undergo an Independent Examination before adoption.

Local Policies Plan

The Local Policies Plan will comprise detailed site-specific proposals for the Borough and must be consistent with the adopted Plan Strategy. The Plan Strategy must be adopted before the draft Local Policies Plan is published for consultation, subjected to Independent Examination and adopted.

The draft Local Policies Plan and associated assessments will also be published for public consultation. Following this, the process for Independent Examination and adoption of the Local Policies Plan will be similar to that of the Plan Strategy.

Monitoring and Review

This final stage is essential to establish progress against the stated objectives of the LDP and to determine whether any changes are required. An annual monitoring report will be prepared and submitted to the Department of Infrastructure in relation to housing, employment and any other relevant information on the implementation of the LDP.

The Council will also be required to undertake regular reviews of our LDP and submit our findings to the Department.

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