Getting involved
Getting Involved
The Plan will impact everyone who lives, works, visits and invests in our Borough.
We want to involve the public and other stakeholders in the preparation of the Ards and North Down Local Development Plan. This is your opportunity to inform plan preparation by helping to identify relevant issues and sharing your local knowledge and views with planners.
Our Statement of Community Involvement BELOW (which was updated in December 2024) sets out what, where, when and with whom participation will occur in the Local Development Plan process.
In line with our Statement of Community Involvement for the LDP, there will be several events and activities arranged throughout the preparation of the new Plan. These will continue to allow everyone to share their views and become engaged with the development of plan policies and proposals. We will place details of these events and activities on our website as they become available.
Statement of Community Involvement - updated December 2024 (PDF, 425 KB) (opens new window)
Statement of Community Involvement - 2020 (PDF, 489 KB) (opens new window)
Register your interest
If you would like to be kept informed of the Local Development Plan as it progresses, please Contact our Planning Office to register your interest.