Planning Committees
Next Planning Committee Meeting
The next monthly planning committee will take place in the Council's Church Street office in Newtownards on Tuesday 1st April at 7pm. The schedule of applications will be published on Wednesday 19th March, and the deadline for requesting speaking rights will close at 5pm on Tuesday 25th March.
The protocol for the operation of monthly Planning Committee meetings can be read here:
Public speaking at Planning Committee meetings
Speaking rights are limited to a total of 5 minutes for and 5 minutes against, regardless of the number of speakers.
To find out more about speaking at the Planning Committee meeting please read Getting involved in Planning Committee (PDF, 94 KB) (opens new window)
Audio Recordings
Each month, audio recordings of both the Planning Committee and Full Council meeting (except items discussed 'In Committee) are published on our website Committee and Council Meetings - Ards and North Down Borough Council
You should listen to both recordings, as items heard at the Planning Committee which relate to matters for which the Planning Committee does not have delegated powers are subject to ratification by the full Council.
All comments made by speakers appearing before the Committee, whether elected representatives, planning agents or members of the public, will be included in the recording.
Planning Committee Membership and Protocol
The current membership of the Planning Committee can be viewed here Committee Membership
Read the guidance leaflet SEE ABOVE explaining the protocol that the Planning Committee follows when considering planning applications in Ards and North Down (revised June 2024):
Planning Committee decisions: