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Areas of Townscape Character

Areas of Townscape and Village Character (ATCs and AVCs) in Ards and North Down 

Many areas within our city and towns exhibit a distinct character, based on their historic built form or layout.  In some places, the variety or consistency of the overall character is particularly distinctive and merits protection from inappropriate change. These areas have been designated as Areas of Townscape Character (ATCs) and Areas of Village Character (AVCs) in the relevant Area Plans. 

The Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 relates to the legacy Ards Borough and designated six ATC/AVCs in Newtownards, Comber, Donaghadee, Greyabbey, Kircubbin and Kearney. The Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP) was adopted in September 2014 and this included the designation of 11 Areas of Townscape and Village Character within the legacy North Down district. 

The boundaries of these ATC/AVCs are available to view via the following links: 

As a result of a judgment by the Court of Appeal delivered on 18 May 2017, the adoption of BMAP 2015 was quashed and the statutory development plan for the area reverted to the North Down and Ards Area Plan 1984-1995 (NDAAP) on this date.

The NDAAP did not designate any ATC/AVCs, however, the Chief Planner confirmed in his update to councils on 25 November 2019 that the draft version of BMAP (which included draft ATC designations for the legacy North Down area), along with any representations received to it and PAC Public Inquiry reports, should remain as material considerations to be weighed by the decision maker when determining development proposals located within or impacting upon draft ATCs and AVCs. 

The ATC/AVCs contained in the Ards and Down Area Plan 2015 are unaffected and remain as designated in the adopted plan. 

Ards and North Down Borough Council is working towards the publication of its draft Plan Strategy and combined with the Local Policies Plan, which, when adopted, will replace the provisions of all of the existing draft and adopted plans relating to Ards and North Down Borough.  This will include a review of all of the draft and adopted ATC and AVC designations and consideration of any new ATCs should be proposed. 

Work is at an advanced stage on the preparation of detailed character analysis and design guides for each ATC/AVC ( this shall be brought forward with the new LDP and is also in response to a specific recommendation made by the Commissioner at the BMAP Public Inquiry which set aside the guides produced for that Plan).

A public consultation exercise will occur alongside the publication of the draft supplementary planning guidance to support the LDP.  This page shall be updated and notification placed on the Planning pages of the Council's website and in the press at the appropriate time. 

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