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Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, every public authority must publish and maintain a publication scheme that sets out the information they routinely make available to the public.

Our Publication Scheme follows the model scheme for all public authorities that was drawn up by the Information Commissioner who is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

It details the types or 'classes' of information that are available from the Council and where you can access it - most of which is on our web site.

If the information you require does not appear to be included in the Publication Scheme, you may wish to request the information using your right under the Freedom of Information legislation.


1.  Who we are and what we do

Type of information How to access 
Council area/ districtsOn our website at The Council
Council Constitution On our website at Council Constitution
Election results On our website at 2023 Election Results Ards and North Down
Timetable/ agendas/ audio recordings - Council and Committee Meetings On our website at Council Committees
Information on the current Mayor and Deputy Mayor On our website at Mayor's Office
Currently elected Councillors' information and contact detailsOn our website at Elected Member Information and Contact Details
Council's Directorate Structure On our website at Council Directorates
Council's Organisational Structure On request from Human Resources 


2.  What we spend and how we spend it

Type of information How to access
Annual statement of accounts and accompanying reportOn our website at Financial Statements
Performance related to times for paying invoices On our website at Invoice Performance
Current Capital Investment SchemeOn our website at Flagship Investment Projects
Members' allowance scheme and payments madeOn our website at Elected Members Expenses
Procurement procedures and contracts currently being tenderedOn our website at Tenders
Grant aid scheme and how to apply for themOn our website at Grants
The Council rate and how the money is spentOn our website at Rates


    3.  What our priorities are and how we are doing

    Type of information How to access 
    Corporate Plan On our website at Corporate Plan
    Corporate Strategies On our website at Corporate Strategies
    Strategies and plans for services provided by the councilOn request from the appropriate sections.

    Annual Performance Improvement Plan

    On our website at Performance Plan



    4.  How we make decisions

    Type of information How to access
    Timetable/ agendas/ audio recordings - Council and Committee Meetings On our website at Meetings
    Engagement and Consultation On our website Engagement and Consultation



    5.  Our policies and procedures

    Type of information How to access
    Policies and procedures for the conduct of council businessOn our website at Council Governance
    Policies and procedures for the provision of servicesAvailable on request from the relevant council section.
    Customer service procedures On our website at Complaints, Compliments and Comments
    Freedom of Information procedures On our website at Freedom of Information
    Equality On our website at Our Commitment to Equality
    Disability On our website Disability

    On our website at Safeguarding 

    Whistleblowing PolicyOn our website Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption



    6.  Lists and registers

    Type of information How to access
    Register of gifts and hospitalityOn our website at Register of Gifts and Hospitality
    Register of councillors' financial and other interestsOn our website at Declaration of Interests



    7.  Services we offer

    Type of information How to access
    Services to residents On our website at Services for Residents
    Services to businesses On our website at Services for Business
    Services to visitors On the Visitor and Tourism website 
    Leisure Services On the Ards and North Down Leisure website 
    Arts and Cultural Services on the AND Culture website 
    Media Releases On our website at News




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