In Northern Ireland, rates are a property tax based on the capital, or market value of homes. Rates of non-domestic properties, such as businesses and offices, are based on the rental value of your property.
The income from this tax contributes towards the cost of providing local government services, such as leisure services and bin collections, and central government services, such as education and health.
Your rates bill is made up of two parts:
District rate: the district rate is fixed annually by individual councils and is used to pay for services such as bin collections, recycling and waste disposal, leisure services, street cleaning and parks.
Regional rate: the regional rate is set by central government and is used to pay for services such as roads, education and health.
Rate setting in Ards and North Down Borough Council (ANDBC) is a balance between affordable costs for ratepayers, maintaining quality of services and delivering ambitions for the Borough in relation to job creation, attracting visitors and regeneration.
More information about your rates
At the monthly meeting of the Council on 29 January, it agreed the district rate for the Borough for 2025/26.
The rate rise is 3.65% for both domestic and non-domestic properties.
This is an increase of approximately £1.75 per month for the average household and £5 per month for the average business in the Borough.
Striking the rate is always a balance - between agreeing a figure that allows us to deliver the quality services, and to make the investments, residents want, while seeking to ensure the financial burden placed on our ratepayers is as low as possible. We will continue to scrutinise council spending and are committed to making further efficiency savings where possible throughout the year ahead.
You can find more details of how your rates are spent below.
Alongside all the statutory local government duties you will be very familiar with, this budget will enable our Council to deliver on some very significant priorities that are critical to the future health and prosperity of our Borough.
Our vision is clear: every decision we make will consider the economic, environmental, and social impacts, ensuring a brighter future for all.
The decline in the non-domestic rate base in Ards and North Down is a significant challenge that needs to be addressed. More will be required, but we have taken the first steps in budgetary terms to support increased economic growth and prosperity.
- We are making significant strides in economic sustainability with major investments in the Newtownards Citizen's Hub and the Bangor Waterfront Scheme. These projects, along with our support for the Bangor Business Improvement District and the strategic development of the former NIE site, will breathe new life into our economy. Our 'vacant to vibrant' scheme aims to revitalise derelict commercial properties, while the Belfast City Deal Innovation Hub at Holywood will drive innovation and growth within the Borough's creative sector. We are also streamlining operations and providing a catalyst for change with the office rationalisation and new civic office project, and funding prestigious events like Sea Bangor, Comber Earlies, Portavogie Tide and Turf and Armed Forces Day in Ards, which will boost our local economy and community spirit.
- Our commitment to social sustainability is unwavering. We are increasing grants for arts and heritage, community projects and sports development. A new community facilities strategy is in the works, along with expanded summer schemes and enhanced pitch maintenance, as well as funding to take forward the Council's new Leisure Strategy. With the focus on ensuring thriving communities.
- On the environmental front, we are allocating further funding for energy efficiency initiatives, introducing electric vehicles and charging points, and investing in biodiversity, tree planting strategies, outdoor recreation, and 'in-bloom' grants. We are increasing funding for parks and greenway infrastructure and promoting sustainable waste measures at events. These efforts will help us create a greener, more sustainable environment for future generations.
- Financially, we are maintaining a general reserve of 7.5%, deploying over £1m in strategic reserves for key initiatives, advancing our digital strategy, achieving £1.7m in efficiencies and savings, and funding long-term capital ambitions. These measures demonstrate our commitment to economic growth, social wellbeing, environmental sustainability, and financial prudence.
Together, we are building a Sustainable Borough that we can all be proud of. There is much to be done and much to look forward to in the year ahead.