Corporate Plan 2024-28
Welcome to the third Corporate Plan for Ards and North Down Borough Council. In developing this Corporate Plan, we aligned our outcomes to the The Big Plan for Ards and North Down (also known as the Community Plan), engaged with key stakeholders, considered our strengths and resources and worked hard to decide where we could offer the best value. We have also tried to future proof our services to respond to the challenges that lie ahead.
Our Council exists to provide civic leadership, promote prosperity and deliver essential services to people who live in, work in and visit the Borough of Ards and North Down. We want to see progress towards A Sustainable Borough through innovation in our services and greater partnerships with our residents and other organisations.
View the full Corporate Plan 2024-28 document online here Corporate Plan 2024-2028 - Digital Version (To enhance your reading experience, set view to two-page spreads).
View an easy-read summary of the Corporate Plan 2024-28 online here Corporate Plan 2024-28 - Easy Read Summary or download the PDF version here Corporate Plan Easy Read Summary (PDF, 316 KB) (opens new window)
A Sustainable Borough
Our vision of a Sustainable Borough is the heart of the Corporate Plan. The identification of priorities, outcomes, commitments, and measures of success are based on putting in place the conditions needed for Ards and North Down to be A Sustainable Borough. A Sustainable Borough is one where economic, environmental, and social wellbeing are interdependent and decisions that are taken are well-balanced and equitable. Putting sustainability at the core of our Corporate Plan means considering the implications of a changing climate alongside shifting economic and social needs.

Three Priorities
To become A Sustainable Borough three Corporate Priorities have been identified that align with the three pillars of sustainable development. The three priorities are ambitious, and we will need to work in partnership with other organisations to achieve them.
Greater focus is needed to increase the money received from the non-domestic rate base which will then enable us to sustainably reinvest in appropriate social and environmental commitments that align with our vision of a Sustainable Borough. This will mean taking challenging, but necessary, decisions to reduce activity and expenditure in some areas while increasing it in others.
Our three priorities are:
- Economic: Increased economic growth attracting more businesses and jobs
- Environmental: Reduced carbon emissions as we transition to net zero
- Social: Improved wellbeing through social inclusion and reduced inequality
You can read more about our three priorities below.
Seven Outcomes
We have identified seven outcomes. Using an outcomes-based accountability approach will help us identify what we need to happen (the outcome) and then work backwards to determine the steps (or commitments) that are needed. Collective progress towards all seven outcomes is what helps us become A Sustainable Borough.
An outcome is written to express the future we want to see rather than being a statement about the present situation. Outcomes are aspirations that the Council will work towards achieving over the four years of the Corporate Plan.
Our outcomes are numbered 1-7 but these are NOT in order of priority.
Each Outcome includes examples of how we will measure our success. Progress against our commitments will be monitored and reviewed regularly through the Council's individual Service Unit Plans. Overall progress on delivering the Corporate Plan will be reported on a regular basis through the Performance Improvement Plan and Self-Assessment Plan. An annual performance review will be published on the Council's website.
You can read more about our seven outcomes below.
17 Strategic Actions
Our 17 strategic actions break down our seven outcomes into smaller steps that will help ensure that progress is made towards our ultimate goal of becoming A Sustainable Borough. The strategic actions are important as, alongside the three priorities they provide the route to help us work towards the outcomes. In addition to the 17 strategic actions, we are also committed to delivering all our statutory functions.
You can read more about our seventeen strategic actions below.
We have identified measures of success that will help us to evaluate the effectiveness of the Corporate Plan. By tracking progress towards our commitments, we can assess if we are on track to meet our agreed outcomes and vision of A Sustainable Borough. Measures of success are both quantitative and qualitative.
Economic Priority - Increasing economic growth by attracting more jobs and businesses
The Council receives over 80% of its funding through the local property tax. Rates are paid by householders (domestic rate) and businesses (non-domestic rate). The more ratepayers there are, the less each will have to pay, and the more money is available to invest in our communities.
Growing the economy includes deriving more income from business rates (non-domestic rate) that can then be invested in vital public services, amenities and programmes. This priority does not mean that we will be increasing the rates paid by current businesses. it is about attracting more businesses into the Borough to share the cost needed for the Council to deliver its services. A growing economy should lead to more and better jobs and create further opportunities for people to develop skills and take advantage of improved opportunities for employment.
- The Council will focus on activities that increase economic growth, as neglecting this focus could result in funding being unavailable to deliver the remaining corporate priorities.
- A healthy thriving economy can help create jobs and reduce poverty, which is essential for ensuring that everyone benefits from the transition to a sustainable future.
- Increased revenue generated from the non-domestic rate base can be used to help offset the cost of transitioning to a low carbon future, which will require considerable investment in renewable energy sources and infrastructure, it can also lead to a higher living standards, better employment opportunities and greater economic security.
Why is this priority important?
- The non-domestic (business) rate base has decreased year-on-year since 2015.
- 4,815 VAT/PAYE registered businesses in AND (2023) with 63% of these businesses with turnover over £100k and 19% with turnover over £500k.
- The GVA per head at current basic price was £13,327 in AND, continuing to be lowest among all NI Local Government Districts (2021).
- 23.6% of AND working age population (16-64 years) were economically inactive (2021).
- The median gross weekly earnings for AND residents working outside the Borough was £464 and only £394 for those working within the Borough, both below the NI average of £498 (2022).
Environmental Priority - Reducing carbon emissions as we transition to net zero
Net zero is a term used to describe when the amount of greenhouse gases (carbon, methane etc.) released into the atmosphere is equal to the amount that is removed.
The Council will need to provide strong civic leadership and work in partnership as we transition to net zero. We will focus on reducing the amount of energy used within Council buildings, fleet, delivery of services and capital build projects. Leading by example is important if the transition to net zero is to be meaningful and inclusive of the whole Borough.
- The transition to net zero will be integrated into all Council functions via both climate mitigation and adaptation. Direct mitigation will focus on reducing our reliance on, and use of, fossil fuels through a transition to low carbon buildings and fleet.
- We have several initiatives already underway, including our tree planting strategy and policies to reduce waste being sent to landfill, which all contribute to this priority.
- While there will be a significant cost to achieve this priority, the financial cost and implications for service delivery of non-transitioning is also substantial.
Why is this priority important?
The Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 sets a target of an at least 100% reduction in net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 for Northern Ireland, along with interim targets including an at least 48% reduction in net emissions by 2030.
ANDBC Carbon Footprint
- Council Building: Electricity- 1,003,272tCO2e (2022)
- Council Building: Gas - 1556.04tCO2e (2022/23)
- Council Fleet: 1592 tCO2e (2022/23)
AND Area Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Dioxide Emission: 875ktCO2e (2021)
- Total GHG Emission: 1208ktCO2e (2021)
- AND Municipal Recycling Rate - 51.7% (2020/21)
In Ards and North Down, it is predicted summer heat waves will become more common. Winters will be warmer and wetter, and sea levels could rise by almost 20cm by 2050.
Social Priority - Improving wellbeing through social inclusion and reduced inequality
The Council will improve wellbeing by creating equal access to resources, opportunities and services across our Borough for everyone.
To help get to the root causes of societal issues it is important that we give everyone the best start in life and work hard to raise aspirations. Social inclusion and reduced inequality are essential for creating a just, inclusive and sustainable Borough for everyone.
- Social inclusion and reduced inequalities are important to improve people's wellbeing, health, education and provide protection for people who are vulnerable.
- Inequality and exclusions are often linked to increased community tension and conflicts. By prioritising these as part of our agenda to improve wellbeing we help to reduce anti-social behaviour while also increasing aspirations.
- Parks and open spaces are associated with health and wellbeing and can help increase social cohesion and interactions, increase volunteering and opportunities for more creative 'play' among children, as well as better educational performance.
- Wellbeing, social inclusion and equality help to enhance economic growth, productivity and innovation by tapping into the potential of diverse talent, skills and resources.
- Improved social wellbeing will help prepare people for some of the unavoidable consequences of a changing climate. People who are socially excluded are often those who suffer most from the impacts of severe weather events.
Why is this priority important?
- Living in greener areas is associated with less income-related health inequality, weakening the effect of deprivation on health. Access to outdoor spaces and leisure activities has been linked to improved mental health and wellbeing.
- 3.6 (male) and 2.5 years (female) - the gap in life expectancy between AND residents living in deprived areas (2019-21).
- The employment rate of people with disabilities was 37.3% (2022) compared to 83% of people without disabilities.
- 12.2% of young people in AND not in Education, Employment or Training.
- Levels of self-efficacy lower in AND (11.5%) compared to NI average of 17.6% (2021).
- 25.8% gap of non-free school meal entitlement school leavers and FSME leavers achieving level 2 or above (2021/22). This is a larger gap than NI average (25.1%).
Outcome 1: An engaged Borough with citizens and businesses who have opportunities to influence the delivery of services, plans and investment.
Having a Borough in which citizens and businesses are consulted and engaged, will result in the provision of responsive and better designed services. By considering how we engage and talk with people, and how different stakeholder groups and issues require different methods of engagement and/ or consultation, we will be better equipped to take decisions that enhance economic growth, reduce our carbon emissions and improve wellbeing by reducing inequalities.
To achieve outcome 1 we will commit to:
- Proactively broadening our community, business and stakeholder engagement approach to include co-design and participation where appropriate.
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Developed Partnerships that result in shared activities and involve democratic, evidence-based decision-making (for example, Community Planning, Labour Market Partnerships etc.)
- Examples across all our service areas of mechanisms used to consult and engage with residents, businesses, visitors and other stakeholders.
Outcome 2: An environmentally resilient Council and Borough meeting our net zero carbon targets
To meet the requirements of the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022, the Council must commit to a range of activities to reduce our carbon emissions to help us transition to net zero. This is important as energy costs money and by managing our climate obligations responsibly we will help manage our costs and increase our resilience to change. We also need to help citizens and businesses understand the impact of a changing climate and help them prepare and build resilience. To be environmentally sustainable we need to protect and enhance our green and blue spaces for both mitigation (net zero) and adaptation to climate change.
To achieve outcome 2 we will commit to:
- Developing and funding a plan to transition Council operations to implement net zero carbon targets
- Promoting responsible behaviours that focus on reducing carbon emissions while enabling resilience to climate change
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Baselined and reduced our carbon footprint.
- Agreed a plan to transition to net zero carbon and integrated it within our Roadmap to Sustainability.
- Reduced our energy consumption with a continued focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy.
- Increased the percentage of waste that is sent for recycling and reduced landfill.
- Maximised opportunities to attract external funding and build reserves to support the transition to net zero carbon that reduces the financial impact on the ratepayer.
Outcome 3: A thriving and sustainable economy
By focussing on activities that result in sustainable economic growth, the Council will contribute to a reduction in poverty, higher living standards, better employment opportunities and greater economic security for all. A thriving economy will also encourage greater investment by other businesses into the Borough which in turn will help to increase our non-domestic rate base which will enable us to then support environmental and social wellbeing activities.
To achieve outcome 3 we will commit to:
- Supporting the growth of key business sectors by focusing on business support, employability skills and required infrastructure.
- Prioritising economic growth within the low carbon sector.
- Helping people maximise their lifelong potential by increasing their skills, knowledge and employability.
- Participating in partnerships to improve connectivity (e.g., digital) across the Borough.
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Grown the Council's non-domestic district rate base.
- Developed programmes, and participated in initiatives, that help support business growth within Ards and North Down.
- Developed programmes, and worked in Partnerships, that increase people's employability.
- Helped businesses access training, knowledge, skills and innovations that help them transition to low carbon.
- Maximised opportunities for people to take part in volunteering.
- Maximised the use of council-owned assets to generate economic return for the Borough.
- Reprioritised our capital plan towards supporting a thriving, low carbon, sustainable economy.
- Partnerships and activities that improve digital connectivity and that benefit local businesses.
Outcome 4: A vibrant, attractive, sustainable Borough for citizens, visitors, businesses and investors
Any activities that result in a vibrant, attractive and sustainable Borough will create social, environmental and economic benefits for all our stakeholders. A focus on developing and enhancing our natural, built and coastal heritage and encouraging others to enjoy the assets within our Borough will help us become a sustainable visitor destination of choice.
To achieve outcome 4 we will commit to:
- Developing the cultural, natural and built heritage assets of the Borough.
- Managing, promoting and enhancing the Borough to make it a sustainable visitor destination of choice.
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- A focused Borough-wide programme of events and activities.
- Started to see delivery of the ambitions within the Belfast Region City Deal projects.
- Invested in high-quality, low carbon, built infrastructure.
- Participated in Partnerships that help tourism operators, and visitors, make more sustainable choices.
- Delivered the Integrated Tourism, Regeneration and Economic Development Strategy and the Arts and Heritage Strategy.
- Effectively applied the policies within the Local Development Plan, to make well considered and timely planning decisions.
- Maintained high standards of cleanliness in our city, towns and villages.
- Invested in our green spaces to improve biodiversity, increase community growing opportunities and encourage responsible use.
- Participated in Partnerships that help protect our valuable natural and coastal assets and enable us to sustainably use them for recreation and climate adaptation.
Outcome 5: Safe, welcoming and inclusive communities that are flourishing
A sustainable community is one where people feel safe and welcome and where prosperity is shared. The Council must strive to create communities that reduce inequality and increase social inclusion, as prioritising these will contribute to reduced community tension, conflict and anti-social behaviour. The resulting safe communities will lead to improved wellbeing, increased aspirations and enhanced economic growth. This can be achieved through positive placemaking which is a collaborative process to create public spaces that foster social interactions, community engagement and improved wellbeing.
To achieve outcome 5 we will commit to:
- Working in partnership with statutory agencies to promote safe communities and improve good relations.
- Working with citizens to help them embrace culture and diversity.
- Achieving positive placemaking with a focus on creating sustainable communities.
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Developed and implemented interventions that help reduce anti-social behaviour, create harmonious communities, increase community resilience and programmes that focus on respecting culture and diversity
- Provided opportunities for people to add value to their communities through the development, and local management, of community spaces
- Used our policies (including grants) to enhance relationships with community and third sector organisations to deliver projects with a focus on safe, connected communities and social wellbeing
- Increased the area for growing spaces available
Outcome 6: Opportunities for people to be active and healthy
Focussing resources and delivering services which contribute to active, happy and healthy citizens and employees will contribute to better quality of life for all citizens. The wider determinants of health include the diverse range of economic, environmental and social factors that influence a person's mental and physical health. Happiness is also important for health, and it can be cultivated by helping people engage in activities that also take care of their physical and mental wellbeing.
To achieve outcome 6 we will commit to:
- Improving physical and mental wellbeing for all abilities
- Encouraging active and sustainable travel
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Developed and implemented a Leisure Strategy.
- Delivered on our Greenways and Urban Trail Development.
- Improved the quality of our playparks and implemented a Play Strategy that encourages physical activity in children and young people.
- Completed Phase 1 of the Whitespots Country Park development.
- Delivered our services to maximise environmental protection and the wellbeing of people.
- Supported health and wellbeing initiatives (citizens and employees) that focus on physical activity, mental health and early intervention.
- Reduced absenteeism and increased wellbeing of employees.
Outcome 7: Ards and North Down Borough Council is a high performing organisation
When the Council is performing at its most efficient and effective, its staff, citizens, customers and residents will all benefit. Ensuring our resources (physical, human and financial) are fit-for-purpose will be fundamental to the success of the organisation and the Borough.
To achieve outcome 7 we will commit to:
- Delivering high-quality, cost-effective services that meet people's needs
- Ensuring that all people have equitable access to Council services
- Attracting, retaining, developing and supporting skilled and motivated staff
We will know we have been successful if we have:
- Developed a digital strategy to facilitate digital connectivity and delivery across all council services.
- Implemented a Workforce Planning Strategy which enables us to understand the capacity and capabilities required for a high performing Council.
- Implemented our Customer Services Strategy to ensure our customers' needs are met.
- Reviewed our organisational design to ensure our services are delivered in an effective and efficient way.
- Right-sized the Council's estate to have the right number of employees and buildings to work effectively.
- Invested in leadership programmes and training that creates and nurtures high performing teams/leaders throughout the Council.
- Embedded our Behaviour Charter* and PRIDE** values as part of everyday work of our employees.
- Increased our financial resilience to safeguard the Council's long-term sustainability.
* The Behaviour Charter is a document for council employees that demonstrates the Council's preferred approach and attitudes to work.
** The PRIDE values (Progression, Respect, Integrity, Delivery and Excellence) are the core values of the Council and are embedded in everything that we do.
17 Strategic Actions
- Proactively broadening our community, business and stakeholder engagement approach to include co-design and participation where appropriate.
- Developing and implementing a fully funded plan to transition Council operations towards our long-term net zero carbon targets.
- Promoting responsible behaviours that focus on reducing carbon emissions while enabling resilience to climate change.
- Supporting the growth of key business sectors by focusing on business support, employability skills and required infrastructure.
- Prioritising economic growth within the low carbon sector.
- Helping people maximise their lifelong potential by increasing their skills, knowledge and employability.
- Participated in partnerships to improve connectivity (e.g., digital) across the Borough.
- Developing the cultural, natural and built heritage assets of the Borough.
- Working with businesses and communities to enhance and promote the Borough as a sustainable visitor destination.
- Working in partnership with statutory agencies to promote safe communities and improve good relations.
- Working in partnership with citizens to help develop and promote culture and diversity.
- Developing sustainability and communities by creating safe public spaces that encourage social interaction and help to improve wellbeing.
- Improving physical and mental wellbeing for all abilities.
- Encouraging active and sustainable travel.
- Delivering high-quality, cost-effective services that meet people's needs.
- Ensuring that all people have equitable access to Council services.
- Attracting, retaining, developing and supporting skilled and motivated staff.
Our Engagement Platform
The Borough is full of vibrant communities, each contributing valuable ideas that will shape the area's future.
To amplify these voices, the Council has introduced Citizens Lab, an online engagement platform. In addition to in-person conversations, surveys and public information sessions, residents from across the Borough can propose ideas, share comments, engage in topic debates, respond to surveys, and express their views on new projects.
You can sign up to this engagement platform via Our engagement platform - Ards and North Down Borough Council