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The Big Plan for Ards and North Down

The Big Plan for Ards and North Down creating positive outcomes for everyone 2017 - 2032

The Big Plan provides an overarching framework setting out a shared vision and ambition that Ards and North Down's Strategic Community Planning Partnership has agreed to work towards over the next 15 years.

Our Vision

Ards and North Down is a vibrant, connected, healthy, safe and prosperous place to be.

The overarching, cross-cutting ambition of The Big Plan

To have empowered, resilient individuals and communities, to reduce inequalities; to promote good relations and sustainability; and to improve the accessibility of all public services.

The Big Plan for Ards and North Down explains how we want to make life better for all the people who live in the borough.

Five Outcomes of the Big Plan

The Big Plan contains five outcomes. These are ambitious statements that we aspire to accurately reflect the situation of the people who live in Ards and North Down by the year 2032.

  • Outcome 1: All people in Ards and North Down fulfil their lifelong potential.
  • Outcome 2: All people in Ards and North Down enjoy good health and wellbeing.
  • Outcome 3: All people in Ards and North Down live in communities where they are respected, are safe and feel secure.
  • Outcome 4: All people in Ards and North Down benefit from a prosperous economy.
  • Outcome 5: All people in Ards and North Down feel pride as they have access to a well-managed sustainable environment.

A review of the Big Plan and its implementation was started in December 2019. This review was expanded to also consider how Covid-19 affected people's economic, social and environmental well-being. This review has resulted in ten agreed priorities.  SUMMARY Big Plan Part II Our Big Priorities (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window) contains information on these priorities and how the Community Planning Partnership will work together to create positive outcomes for everyone.  

The Big Plan (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
SUMMARY Big Plan Part II Our Big Priorities (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)
The Big Plan 2017-2032 SUMMARY POSTER (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)
The Big Plan Part II Our Big Priorities April 2022 (PDF, 18 MB) (opens new window)
The Big Plan Second Edt d2 (PDF, 13 MB) (opens new window)

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