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Estates Strategy

To help us deliver on our corporate priorities, it is essential that the Council takes an active approach to managing its Land and Property assets - which come to a total of circa £225M. 

We are committed to ensuring the most effective use of these assets for the benefit of the Borough.  For this reason, we have developed an Estates Strategy that provides a set of guiding principles to help prioritise decision-making processes for the Council in relation to estate management.

The strategy, as with all strategy development, sets a broad direction for management activities over the medium to long term.  Therefore, it does not indicate any specific action or decision on any specific item of land or property owned by the Council.  Any such decisions will be subject to the normal Council scrutiny and processes.

The Strategy is broken down into 5 parts and can be downloaded below:

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Where we are - a baseline assessment
Part 3: Building a Strategy for going forward
Part 4: How we plan to get there
Part 5: Overarching recommendations

The Council is committed to progressing this strategy for the benefit to the whole Borough.

Ards and North Down Estate Strategy  (PDF, 447 KB) (opens new window)

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