PCSP Grants
Applications are now closed
The PCSP Small Grants Programme has been developed to support community and voluntary organisations to deliver diversionary and detached youth engagement projects which will target areas of anti-social behaviour (ASB) in the Borough.
The Small Grants Programme will open on Thursday 25 April 2024 and application packs will be available below.
The purpose of the Small Grants Programme is to develop community safety awareness amongst young people to tackle ASB in local neighbourhoods and encourage positive lifestyles.
Projects must demonstrate that they can address ASB in hotspot areas where groups gather and engage in a range of negative behaviour including substance abuse, criminal damage, disruption, nuisance, street drinking, trespassing, drug trafficking and rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour.
Funding Available:
The total amount allocated to the Small Grants Programme is £28,000, and the maximum grant available to each project is £4600.
Prospective applicants should note that all offers of funding are conditional and subject to the necessary budgets being secured by the PCSP.
Small Grants Application Pack 2024 - 2025 (Including guidance notes)
PCSP Small Grants Application Pack 2024-2025 (Word doc, 745 KB) (opens new window)
Closing Date:
The closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm on Friday 24th May 2024.
Late applications will not be considered. Applications should be emailed in PDF format to pcsp@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk
Support Available:
If you require guidance or support, please contact the PCSP team on 07748 148 796 or pcsp@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk