Arts Grants
Ards and North Down Borough Council Arts funding streams
If you are a community group, special interest group, charitable organisation, an individual artist or a young artist, don't miss out on this opportunity to access funding for arts-related activities and projects.
Arts Project Grant
Available to arts, community and special interest groups throughout the Ards and North Down Borough area who wish to enhance existing, and undertake new community arts activities. A maximum grant of £1,000 is available.
Not currently open for applications.
The Council is also pleased to offer two Arts Bursaries; the Ballinglen Arts Foundation Bursary, a two-week residency in Ballycastle, County Mayo. The residency is aimed at visual artists and craft makers providing them with time to develop their artistic practice.
Not currently open for applications.
The Tyrone Guthrie Centre Bursary is a one-week residency for practitioners in all art forms based in the Borough. The bursary aims to assist and encourage both established and emerging practitioners. Up to four one-week bursaries are available.
Not currently open for applications.
Individual Artist Grant
Professional artists working and living in the Borough may apply through the Artistic Development Scheme for support towards training costs and artistic residencies. A maximum grant of £250 is available.
Not currently open for applications.
Youth Arts Training Grant
Available to young people living in the Borough who wish to undertake short-term or one-off youth arts training or development opportunities.
Not currently open for applications.
For further information on Arts funding, please email: or visit: