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Ards and North Down Grants Appeals Process

Unsuccessful applicants will be informed in writing (in hard copy or by email) of the outcome of their application and the reasons clearly stated.  Appeals can only be made where an applicant can evidence that the process of assessment was not followed in accordance with the criteria detailed in the application pack. 

The aim of the appeals process is to ensure a fair and transparent process for the assessment of grant applications.  Grants will be assessed based on the criteria set out in the guidance notes as part of the Grants Application Pack. 

The Council grants schemes are application led and only those which demonstrate that they meet the required criteria may be awarded funding.

The Council will ensure all grants are awarded in line with Ards and North Down Grants Policy objectives to ensure:

  1. Council continues to invest in organisations and/or individuals to deliver projects; within the borough which contribute to the council's corporate priorities;
  2. Grant processes are robust, fair and consistent;
  3. There is an efficient and effective framework for grant management that allows budget holders to make decisions in line with the scheme of delegation and within appropriate timescales;
  4. Improved customer experience.

If an appeal has been made and the applicant can evidence that the process of assessment was not followed in accordance with the criteria detailed in the application pack the appeal will be escalated to the formal appeal stage.

Formal Appeal

The formal appeal must clearly state the grounds for an appeal. The Head of Service for the awarding grant will convene an independent assessment panel. No new information, other than the information contained within the original application will be considered by the independent panel.

The appeals panel will assess an application according to the criteria stated in the guidance notes and score the application accordingly.

The decision of the independent appeals panel is final and binding.

How to request a grant appeal

Appeals can be submitted 15 business days from the date of issue. You can submit a grant appeal request in person, in writing, online or by telephone to the responsible officer. 

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