Multiply Adult Numeracy Programme
Multiply - Adult numeracy programme
Free courses to support number skills and boost maths confidence.
Multiply is an adult numeracy initiative funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It is designed to help adults aged 19 and over enhance their numeracy skills, build confidence with numbers, support family learning, better manage finances and improve their overall wellbeing.
Multiply aims to help address the lower levels of adult numeracy in Northern Ireland. The project invests and looks at new and innovative forms of delivery that will help boost people's confidence in using numbers.
The Department for the Economy NI is leading on the delivery of the Multiply programme which is being delivered by Further Education Colleges, Universities and Local Councils in collaboration with the community and voluntary sector.
Why is Numeracy Important?
Numbers are essential for everyday life because they help us to understand the world around us. We use numbers to tell the time, count money, measure things and it helps us when it comes to making decisions.
We use numbers to help figure out how much food we need, quantities we need to buy at the supermarket, how long a journey will take or how much we need to save to cover bills or big purchases.
Numbers are everywhere and can help us even with our overall well-being. Numbers play a crucial role in tracking our health goals, monitoring weight, counting steps or thinking about how much water we've had that day.
By using numbers to give us a greater understanding of the world around us and ourselves including our own goals, it can help us take greater control of our lives by making more informed decisions and help build and maintain healthy habits.
What is my current numeracy skill level?
Please take this short National Numeracy Challenge quiz on how confident you feel about Maths.
Who Can Apply?
Multiply is aimed at adults (aged 19 and above) who do not have Maths GCSE at Grade C or above (or an equivalent qualification).
Ards and North Down Multiply Initiatives
Ards and North Down are delivering a range of initiatives as part of the Multiply Project. Details of the Programme are below.
Please complete and return booking form for your preferred course: Multiply Booking Form (PDF, 724 KB) (opens new window) If you would like to attend but cannot submit a booking form online, please come to your chosen class and complete on the day. If you have queries, please contact our Community Development team on
Engaging Mature Learners - Making it Count, 'Weave a Web and be Safe'
For Mature Learners, this initiative explores using numbers and 'hidden numeracy' in a creative way to learn new skills!
During our sessions we will have guest speakers in to talk about accessing the internet, using apps such as banking app, awareness of fraud and scams and building confidence using the internet.
Sessions will be run in a creative way which allows mature learners (over 50's) to come together and to help build confidence through each other.
Count on us: Crochet Along - Free Classes
- Millisle Masonic Hall |Monday 3rd February - Monday 24th February | 10am to 12pm
- Portavogie Community Centre | Monday 3rd February - Monday 24th February | 6.30pm to 9.30pm
Ballywalter Village Hall | Wednesday 5th February - Wednesday 26th February | 11am to 1pm
Loaf Catering and Pottery - Free classes
Loaf Pottery, 24 Main Street, Crawfordsburn | Wednesdays from 26th February - Wednesday 19th March |1pm to 3pm
Savvy Shopper - Free Classes
Queens Hall, Newtownards | Tuesdayz from 25th February - Tuesday 18th March |11am to 1pm
MSOL Maths for Life: Maths for Speakers of Other Languages
This project targets adult learners who need additional support to improve basic maths skills, build confidence, and to help navigate daily routines in everyday life and work within Northern Ireland.
The programme will:
- support participants to look at managing budgets and daily costs based on their income;
- provide a forum for participants to practice their English-speaking and make connections with other people;
- enable participants to obtain a functional level of their ability;
- build understanding of key financial information on everyday documents.
The use of numbers in art and wellbeing
Art and Photography:
Come and discover the hidden numeracy in our free Photography and Multimedia classes where you will learn about everyday Art, Photography and learn new skills.
In our Multimedia Art classes, through painting we will discover the art of mixing paints, colour palettes and ratios of paints.
Classes to begin 17 February to 24 March (Mondays 11am - 1pm and Wednesdays 11am - 1pm at Queens Hall, Newtownards)
Urban Community Chef:
Numbers play a big part in our lives from shopping, managing your money, and even cooking. Our free classes aim to bring people from different cultures together to explore new dishes and to also recognise the hidden numeracy we use in everyday life.
- 6 February and 13 February (Thursdays 10.30am - 1.30pm at Ballygowan Community Centre)
- 21 February and 28 February (Fridays 10.30am - 1.30pm at Donaghadee Community Centre)
- 11th and 18th March (Tuesdays 10.30am to 1.30pm HOM Portaferry - Unit 5, Castle Street)
Art and numbers: Open Arts - Creative Numeracy
Numbers connect our inner and outer worlds. Track your progress, find balance, create beauty and explore how numbers can enhance your wellbeing journey. Our classes aim to bring people from different cultures together to explore the numeracy in art. Our free classes we will blend artistic techniques with numeracy concepts to look at art for our well-being.
Free 4-week courses:
- Thursdays 6th February - 27th February | 10:30am - 12:30pm | YMCA, 10-12 High Street, Bangor
- Wednesdays 5th March - 26th March | 10:30am - 12:30pm | Boom Studios
- 1 further evening session as part of the New Late Night Art initiative | Thursday 27th March I 6pm - 9pm
Numeracy Boot Camps Maths for Everyday Life - Debt
Details Coming Soon
Numeracy Boot Camps Maths for Everyday Life - Budgeting/Cooking
Details Coming Soon
More information about the Multiply programme in the Ards and North Down area is coming soon: please contact the Community Development team on
Or alternatively contact:
- Connor Steele - Multiply Officer Tel: 0300 013 3333 / ext: 40548
- Sharon Murphy - Community & Culture Assistant - Tel: 0300 013 3333 / ext 40348
This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund . The UK Shared Prosperity Fun aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business, and people and skills.