Positive Ageing Month
Positive Ageing 2024
Age Friendly Ards and North Down, in partnership with the Public Health Agency, has launched their plans for Positive Ageing Month 2024. Positive Ageing is a month-long campaign of events, activities, and programmes that takes place every October and it promotes positive ageing as well as recognising the part people aged 50+ plays within the local community.
Age Friendly Ards and North Down has been working with community, voluntary and statutory partners to develop a comprehensive brochure that encourages people over the age of 50 years to take the five steps to wellbeing: Connect, Be Active, Keep Learning Take Notice and Give. These 5 steps built into our daily lives can help maintain and improve our health and emotional well-being.
The events begin on Saturday October 1st to mark International Day of Older Persons and this year's UK theme is: "The part we play": Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities.
Some highlights of the programme include walks, physical activity, singing, digital training, creative sessions, and a roadshow in Ards Blair Maine Wellbeing and Leisure Complex, Newtownards on Thursday 17 October that promote and help with ageing well.
For more information on what's on for Positive Ageing 2024, please click on the link below to see the programme brochure:
Positive Ageing Month Programme 2024 (adobe.com)
If you require a hard copy of the brochure, then please contact the Age Friendly Coordinator on 0300 013 3333 ext 40336
Positive Ageing Roadshow 2024

Building on the success of previous years, the roadshow takes place during Positive Ageing Month and will offer people the opportunity to engage with a range of local support services that will help people to age well and live better. This includes:
- Move More Live More Demonstration
- Scam Awareness
- Information & Advice
- Health & Wellbeing Support: plus information from a wide range of exhibitors.
To register for the event please email your contact details (and, if applicable, those of accompanying friend/s) to agefriendly@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk.
Please advise if any special assistance is required or if you have any dietary requirements.
Alternatively, call 0300 013 3333 (ext. 40336) or 07741 103277 (Monday to Friday, 9.30am-10.30am only).
Positive Ageing Stories from around the Borough
As part of Positive Ageing Month, we have gathered some examples of great local initiatives supporting positive ageing in our community: read on to find out more!
Linking Generations NI Arts Council funded Arty Generations Project

A variety of arts mediums were used each week but most importantly the arts was used to connect people to improve health and well-being and alleviate isolation and loneliness.
Just before the end of term everyone joined to celebrate the projects success, showcase the artwork created and enjoy each others company. Marci from Caremark presented the school pupils with a fantastic scrapbook full of memories and moments as part of their sessions!
This innovative partnership created between Caremark and Bloomfield Primary School was developed by LGNI's Lynne B and with such positive feedback and enthusiasm from all involved we hope their link will continue! For more information please Arty Generations Project - Linking Generations NI
Peninsula Healthy Living Partnership

The rural Ards Peninsula can be a very socially isolating environment, and research shows that male farmers, especially those who are retired, are at very high risk of becoming isolated, which in turn affects their physical and mental health. Peninsula Healthy Living Partnership learned of a fabulous initiative by Rural Support called Plough On which encourages and arranges regular meets for retired farmers. After meeting with the group, a collaboration was agreed to provide fresh produce to those in need within the local community.
The programme started in February 2024 and so far has been a fabulous success. The men's mental and physical health has improved significantly via the connections they have made with the Partnership and the local community, and the community and organisation are learning new ways to grow produce, from experts in the area. The initiative has also benefitted those in need via the community fridge.
This programme has helped the Partnership reach a notoriously difficult group to reach, helping to improve social isolation and health, as well as supporting a local community during challenging financial times, all whilst building relationships and learning from each other.
'Our Health truly is our Wealth' - Allan @ Peninsula Healthy Living.
Over 50s Council

The Over 50s Council has had an important role to play in the creation of the second Age Friendly Strategy, and in particular the actions that members of the Age Friendly Alliance (statutory, community and voluntary organisations) have committed to undertake to be Age Friendly.
Members have also been involved in a range of consultations such as Department for Infrastructure's Concessionary Fare Scheme, South Eastern Trust's Active Ageing Programme promotion, and Age NI Lived Experience survey. In addition, members have also been involved in walkability audits and are currently working on an intergenerational project with Youth Voice, who represent the views of younger people in the Borough.
Members feedback
"Being a member of the Over 50s Council has given me a voice and I feel someone is listening to me."
"It has provided me with an opportunity to meet new people."
"It has shown people that even as you age you still matter and you can still contribute to the local community."
"It is a great opportunity to hear other people's opinions and to work together."
To find out more information on how to join the Over 50s Council, please contact the Age Friendly Coordinator on 07741103277 or email agefriendly@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk