Over 50s Council

A consultative forum that consists of a group of people aged 50 and over who live within the Borough. The group meets quarterly and provides members with the opportunity to be representative of the older age group. It allows them to:
- have their say on local issues
- participate in decisions which affect their lives
- meet new people and build relationships
- work with organisations to develop an Age Friendly Programme that will enable people of all ages to live healthy and active later lives.
Over the last year the group has been involved in a range of consultations such as DfI Concessionary Fare Scheme, South Eastern Trust's Active Ageing Programme promotion and Age NI Lived Experience survey. In addition, some members have been involved in a pottery workshop and intergenerational sessions with Youth Voice (Ards and North Down Youth Voice - Ards and North Down Borough Council)
The Over 50s Council had an important role to play in the creation of the second Age Friendly Strategy, and in particular the actions that members of the Age Friendly Alliance have committed to undertake to be Age Friendly. Age Friendly and the Big Plan - Ards and North Down Borough Council
To express an interest or to find out more about the group please 07741103277 or email agefriendly@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk