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Planning Applications on Protected Tree Sites

During the processing of a planning application for development, the Council will consider the impact of any proposal on existing trees, whether within the red line boundary or immediately adjacent. This is especially important on land protected by a TPO or located within a Conservation Area.

It is essential at an early design stage of the development proposal to consider what information should be submitted to the Council in order to make a full assessment of the proposal upon protected trees. The Council would recommend that the following details are considered as necessary:

  • A tree survey report of all trees located within the site;
  • A tree constraints plan showing the accurate crown spreads and root protection areas of all trees;
  • Measures for protection including protective fencing and ground measures where required in accordance with British Standard BS5837:2012: Trees in relation to Design, Demolition and Construction - Recommendations;
  • Existing and proposed levels details including sectional drawings and of the adjacent site(s) as appropriate;
  • Details of proposed utility trenches required to service the new development. Useful information can be found within the National Joint Utilities Group Document: NJUG 4 - Guidelines for the Planning, Installation and Maintenance of Utility Apparatus in proximity to trees;
  • Details of any proposed new hard surfacing to accommodate new accesses/parking areas. Cellular confinement systems can be considered successful on some sites;
  • A proposed landscaping plan including species types and heights at the time of planting.

The applicant should be able to fully demonstrate how the trees shown for retention on site can be accommodated alongside the proposed development without adverse impact on the health and condition of the trees.

Should you require further information in relation to trees and their protection, please contact the Planning Department's Tree Officer in writing at the Council's Church Street Office, or by email to and inserting 'Trees' in the subject line.

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