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Pollution Control

Advice and information on pollution control in Ards and North Down

Air Quality

Clean air is essential for health and makes the Borough a pleasant place to live.

The Council monitors designated air pollution sites throughout the Borough to measure sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and smoke levels. The nitrogen dioxide results are included as part of the National Nitrogen dioxide survey, which is co-ordinated by AEA Technology.

Environmental Health, along with the Alkali and Clean Air Inspectorate, authorise and control the emissions of air pollutants from certain industrial premises within the borough.

For more information contact the Environmental Health service by calling 0300 013 3333.

Noise Control

If you are disturbed by noisy neighbours, whether they are residents or commercial premises, Environmental Health Officers can give advice or investigate the matter for you.
Almost 80% of noise nuisances concern domestic properties - most commonly barking dogs, DIY work and loud music.
If you have a complaint about noise, we will normally ask you to complete a noise monitoring form for two to three weeks.  If on completion, this information shows that a noise nuisance may exist, then we will attempt to gather independent evidence, either through a personal visit or setting up noise monitoring equipment to record and measure the noise.
Resolving a complaint can be done informally and we prefer to do this if possible because generally a solution can be found quickly and less hostility is created.
If an informal approach fails, we will take statutory action.  This could mean serving a notice on the offender or beginning legal proceedings if the offender fails to comply with the notice.

Contact an Environmental Health Officer by calling 0300 013 3333.

Radiation Control

To provide quality assured independent information on radiation matters in our local area.

Councils in Northern Ireland work together through the 'Group Environmental Health System' to deliver a national monitoring network for radiation.

The network's aim is to provide quality assured, independent information on radiation matters at a local level. As part of this, a comprehensive monitoring and sampling programme for radiation has been established.

For more information contact the Environmental Health service by calling 0300 013 3333.

Water Pollution

The Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) is responsible for investigating pollution incidents in rivers, streams, and lakes in Ards and North Down. They have a hotline to report urgent water pollution incidents: telephone 0800 807060

For more information about water pollution, go to NIEA's website: NIEA


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