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High Hedges

Hedges can add a lot to a property and can be a haven for wildlife, however high hedges could cause a problem for your neighbour. Councils enforce The High Hedges Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 which can help resolve what can often be a tricky issue between neighbours.  

The legislation is designed to help people who are affected by high hedges acting as a barrier to light to their domestic property. The law specifically deals with evergreen and semi-evergreen hedges which are the most popular but also present the most problems. 

Hedges under two metres will not need to be cut down and you don't need permission to grow or retain a hedge along the boundary of your property.  

Where you have a problem with a high hedge you will be expected to have tried to resolve the issue before you complain to the Council, and you will have to prove this as part of your complaint. 

The Council does not negotiate between neighbours but investigates a complaint and makes a judgement as to whether the hedge is adversely affecting the complainant's reasonable enjoyment of their property. 

We will only intervene if a complaint is made and even then, each case will be determined on its own merits.  However, it is hoped that the existence of the legislation will encourage neighbours to work together to resolve their dispute. 

If the Council decides that the complaint is justified, it will serve a notice on the hedge owner specifying what needs to be done to manage the hedge and the date by which this should be done. 

The fee for processing a formal complaint is £360. 

It is an offence not to comply with the terms of a remedial notice. The penalty for non-compliance with a remedial notice will be a fine of up to £1,000 with the possibility of further fines for continued non-compliance. 
For more information contact Licensing and Regulatory Services on 0300 013 3333 ext 40403. 

You can also refer to the guidance documents below. 


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