Storm Recovery - January 2025

Ards and North Down Borough Council would like to thank our residents, businesses and service users for their patience during Storm Eowyn.
Please do not travel to a site until checking this page for updates.
· Facilities including Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Complex, Comber Leisure Centre, Portaferry Leisure Centre, Londonderry Park (opening hours
· Bangor Sportsplex and Queens Leisure Complex (opening hours
· All Community Centres will reopen and pre-bookings will be alerted if a problem exists within a particular centre.
Bangor Aurora Aquatic & Leisure Complex
The gym and spin studio reopened on Wednesday 29 January with usual opening hours.
From Saturday 1 February:
- Pools will reopen, including leisure waters
- Swimming lessons will resume
- Workout classes will resume
- Cafe reopens
- Gymnastics lessons will resume (in the wellness studios for time being)
Please note, soft play, squash courts, and sports hall will remain closed for now. The Family Fun Night will return on the last Friday in February. For updates over the weekend follow Bangor Aurora on Facebook
We understand that this is frustrating for all users of Bangor Aurora Aquatic and Leisure Complex but Council officers, NCLT and contractors continue to work tirelessly to ensure more facilities at Aurora reopen as soon as possible without compromising safety.
Waste and Cleansing
Most kerbside collections have taken place as scheduled this week and are expected to continue as normal in the coming days. A small number of roads are closed due to NIE repairs resulting in collections not taking place. Alternative collections for those areas will be arranged as soon as possible.
Please leave your bin kerbside by 7am for our crews to collect as normal. Check your collection schedule here: Bin Collection Schedule - Ards and North Down Borough Council
All HRCs across the Borough are open as normal from Monday 27 January, please remember to pre-book a slot for your visit here: HRC Booking System - Ards and North Down Borough Council
Food Safety and Food Waste
If you or somebody you know is affected by power cuts, it's important to ensure that your food remains safe to eat.
For detailed advice on food safety during power cuts, visit the Food Standards Agency website: Food safety in a power cut - advice for consumers | Food Standards Agency
If you have had a power cut caused by the recent storms and your freezer has now been off for more than 48 hours, you will need to dispose of any food remaining as it is now not safe to eat .
You should dispose of food items in your brown bin but please remove packaging first and place in the most appropriate recycling bin. Alternatively you can take food waste to one of our Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) for disposal in the brown food waste bins on sites - please remove all packaging. Book your slot via HRC Booking System - Ards and North Down Borough Council
You should also contact your home insurance company, and they will advise on what evidence you need if you wish to make a claim for freezer contents.
You should clean your freezer out to prevent growth of bacteria and smells from developing.
When you are reconnected to electricity again make sure you let your freezer cool to -18 degrees before you begin to fill it again with food products.
We understand how important it is for you to visit your loved ones, and our staff have worked hard to reopen all our cemeteries. Following final safety assessments all cemeteries are open and the clean-up operation continues. We ask visitors to please continue to take care on site.
While we have made the sites secure for visiting, we regret to inform you that the recent strong winds have caused considerable damage. Unfortunately, personal floral displays and mementos have been displaced.
We sincerely apologise for any distress this may cause and assure you that our staff will do their utmost to tidy these areas as soon as possible.
Please note that Greyabbey Cemetery will be partially opened due to substantial damage on site.
The majority of our parks, open spaces and play parks reopened on Monday 27 January (subject to inspection). Please take caution when visiting any of these locations as Storm Eowyn will have caused trees to weaken and storm debris will still be visible.
Following initial assessments, the following areas continue to be heavily impacted and will remain closed until further notice:
- Cairnwood - Extensive damage; likely to remain closed for a while.
- Glenlyon Park - Hazardous conditions due to fallen trees and a damaged power line.
- Whitespots Park - Closed due to numerous fallen trees.
- Balloo Wetlands - this site has been closed from Tuesday 28 January to allow for major tree works to be carried out.
Our staff will use barrier tape and if possible signage to indicate closures. These closures are for public safety reasons so please do not remove/cross barriers. This list of closures may be updated if we identify further areas of risk. Please do continue to take care when out and about as trees and branches will have become weakened due to the recent storm.
We will be resurveying all our trees over the days and weeks ahead.
Community Support
We are delighted that, over 200 people have made use of our support services in various locations throughout the Borough. If you are still without power and need to charge devices, have a shower or a hot drink and get warm you can attend the following locations this week.
Tuesday 28 January
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex 6.30am to 10pm
- Comber Leisure Centre 8am to 10pm
- Londonderry Park 9am to 10pm
- Portaferry Sport Centre 3.30pm to 10pm
- Holywood Queen's Leisure Complex 7 am to 9pm
- Bangor Sportsplex 3pm to 9.30 pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre 9.30am to 4pm and 6.30pm to 9pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall 7pm to 10pm
- Hamilton Hub, Bangor 10am to 10pm
Portavogie Community Centre 9am to 8.30pm
Wednesday 29 January
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex 6.30am to 10pm
- Comber Leisure Centre 8am to 10pm
- Londonderry Park 9am to 10pm
- Portaferry Sport Centre 3.30pm to 10pm
- Holywood Queens Leisure Complex 7 am - 9pm
- Bangor Sportsplex 11am - 9.30 pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre 5pm to 10pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall 10.30am to 12.15pm and 3.30pm to 9.00pm
- Hamilton Hub, Bangor 9.30am to 9pm
Portavogie Community Centre 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Thursday 30 January
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex 6.30am to 10pm
- Comber Leisure Centre 8am to 10pm
- Londonderry Park 9am to 10pm
- Portaferry Sport Centre 3.30pm to 10pm
- Holywood Queens Leisure Complex 7am to 9pm
- Bangor Sportsplex 3pm to 9.30 pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre 10.30 am to 4pm and 6pm to 11pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall 9.30am to 11am and 7pm to 9.45pm
- Hamilton Hub, Bangor 10am to 10pm
- Portavogie Community Hall 6pm to 7.15pm
Friday 31 January
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex 6.30am to 10pm
- Comber Leisure Centre 8am to 8pm
- Londonderry Park 9am to 10pm
- Portaferry Sport Centre 3.30pm to 10pm
- Holywood Queens Leisure Complex 7 am to 9pm
- Bangor Sportsplex 3pm to 10 pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre 10am to 9.30pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall 10am to 12.45pm
- Hamilton Hub, Bangor 9.30am to 10pm
Saturday 1 February
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex, 8am to 6pm
- Comber Leisure Centre, 9am to 6pm
- Londonderry Park, 9am to 6pm
- Portaferry Sports Centre, 8.30am to 3pm
- Holywood Queens Leisure Complex, 9am to 5pm
- Bangor Sportsplex, 8.30am to 5pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre, 10am - 6pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall, 2pm to 5pm
- Hamilton Hub Bangor, 8.30am - 5pm
Sunday 2 February
Facilities with Showers
- Ards Blair Mayne Leisure and Wellbeing Complex, 10am to 6pm
- Comber Leisure Centre, 10am to 5pm
- Holywood Queens Leisure Complex, 9am to 3pm
- Bangor Sportsplex, 9am to 3pm
- Donaghadee Community Centre 10am to 4pm and 5pm to 10pm
Please bring towel and body wash etc if using shower facilities.
Facilities for Tea/charge phones/warmth (no showers)
- Carrowdore Community Hall, 10am - 12.45pm
- Hamilton Hub Bangor, 9.30am - 8pm
- Ballygowan Community Hall 10am - 7pm
NIE Assistance with Enquiries
Please note - NIE will be in attendance at Ards Blair Mayne Wellbeing and Leisure Centre from 11am - 7pm daily (Mon-Fri) to assist with enquiries from those residents still without power.
Vulnerable Residents
Residents who are acutely in need particularly children, the elderly and people with vulnerabilities, please email Community Development Admin as soon as possible to enable us to assess and provide support as outlined above.
Rural Regeneration: Village Plan Meetings
Village Plan public engagement drop-in sessions scheduled for this week in, Killinchy (Mon), Ballygown (Tues), Lisbane & Lisbarnett (Wed) and Ballyhalbert (Thurs) have been postponed to ensure the safety of our residents and staff attending.
Please note the rescheduled dates:
- Killinchy: Thursday 6 February 4pm - 7pm Killinchy Community Hall
- Ballygowan: Wednesday 5 February 4pm - 7pm Ballygowan Community Centre
- Ballyhalbert: Tuesday 4 February 4pm- 7pm Talbot House
- Lisbane & Lisbarnett: Monday 3 February 4pm - 7pm Lisbane Community Hub
For updates see
Continue to keep a close eye on weather warnings and follow advice from the Met Office:
Useful Emergency Contact Numbers:
- Police, Fire, and Ambulance Services: 999 (101 for non-emergencies)
- Northern Ireland Housing Executive: 03448 920 901
- Northern Ireland Electricity: 03457 643 643
- NI Gas Emergency Service: 0800 002 001
- Northern Ireland Water Waterline: 03457 440 088
- Flooding Incident Line: 0300 2000 100