Our Greenway Network
Ards and North Down has a unique environment that we want to cherish. Council is committed to supporting the physical and emotional well-being of our residents by developing infrastructure and services that improve access to this environment.
One way of doing this is through the development of a Greenway Network.
The Borough already benefits from a greenway route; the Comber Greenway, which connects the town of Comber to the centre of Belfast. This was Northern Ireland's first greenway, created in 2008, and has proved so successful it has provided a template for other greenway development across the island of Ireland.
In 2016 the Department for Infrastructure produced a strategic plan for greenways in Northern Ireland Exercise, Explore, Enjoy – A Strategic Plan for Greenways in Northern Ireland (opens new window). In the context of this plan, we are currently under construction with one greenway and progressing proposals for two other routes locally.
Combined, these proposals represent a total investment of £20M in green infrastructure. It is envisaged that 50% of this will be met by the Department for Infrastructure.
Each proposal has been through a process of public consultation and is at a different stage of development. Please click on the links below to see the full details for each route.
- Under Construction: Newtownards to Green Road Bangor Under construction - Newtownards to Bangor (Green Road)
- Proposed Greenway - Comber to Newtownards (connecting with the existing Comber Greenway) Planning Application approved January 2025.
- Proposed Greenway- Green Road to Donaghadee (yet to be designed)
Creating a network of greenways that connect across our Borough is an exciting and ambitious project that we believe will deliver many Benefits. The network will provide free recreational opportunities for all ages and abilities, encourage healthier lifestyles, bolster local economic development, reduce car trips and carbon footprints, provide additional transportation options, and encourage better environmental stewardship.
There is a significant public interest in the proposals and during our consultations to date we have received many queries about how our greenways will be developed and managed. We have collated a series of FAQs to answer many of these questions.
Council has also committed to operating the One Path Initiative, which has successfully helped many greenways to support the needs of different users and promote positive actions and behaviour by all. Read more about the One Path Initiative Here..
Want to be inspired by some great examples of greenways and their benefits in other places? Click this link - Wider Greenway Network - to learn more about other local greenways and the growing network across Northern Ireland and beyond.
For more information please contact greenways.network@ardsandnorthdown.gov.uk