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The One Path Initiative

The One Path Initiative is an effective approach developed, piloted and delivered by Sustrans to promote positive actions and behaviour by all users.  

The initiative was developed as an alternative to physical signage, and it focuses on behaviour change rather than rules and regulations. 

It is proposed to run The One Path Initiative, which is a two-year process, in advance of any greenways in the Borough becoming operational. 

In the first year a series of public workshops are held to engage with the user groups to discuss the issues and then the second year focuses on awareness raising and educational events.

The One Path Initiative's core objective is to improve communication and understanding between the people who use the path. It achieves this goal by:

  • Understanding who uses the path and their individual needs.
  • Improving relations amongst the users.
  • Reducing conflict and thereby complaints.
  • Avoiding physical interventions and/or permanent signage and the resulting expense.
  • Ensuring all the agencies involved in the management of the path deliver a consistent message.

The message promoted is to Share, Respect and Enjoy and all users and agencies involved are encouraged to deliver a consistent message to all users regardless of how they use the path or the purpose of their journey.

The timing on the delivery of the One Path Initiative is key to ensure its effectiveness.  Ideally this would be commenced once planning permission and funding are in place and prior to construction with hopefully the 2-year project as outlined above being delivered in advance of the greenway or the majority of becoming operational.  Ongoing events will be continued over the coming years to reinforce the 'Share, Respect, Enjoy' message.

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