Council Achieves Almost 80% of its 2030 Recycling Target

Ards and North Down Borough Council has today, 13 June 2024, announced a remarkable 15% increase in recycling rates, marking a significant step towards achieving a 70% recycling rate by 2030 as outlined in the Climate Change Act (Northern Ireland) 2022.
This substantial improvement brings the Council to almost 80% of its 2030 target, showcasing its commitment to environmental sustainability.
Since its establishment in April 2015, Ards and North Down Borough Council has been at the forefront of sustainable waste resource management. The Council's dedication to environmental stewardship and financial responsibility has led to the implementation of several transformative initiatives, resulting in a substantial increase in recycling rates from 40.6% to 55.5% and a significant reduction in landfill waste.
Key initiatives since 2015 include:
- New Food Waste Recycling Service (December 2015)
- Expansion of Blue Bins Recyclables Range (April 2016)
- New Kerbside Glass Collection Service (June 2017)
- HRC Access Permit System for Vans and Large Trailers (January 2018)
- New Kerbside Trade and Schools Waste Recycling Collection Service (April 2019)
- Rules for General Access and Use of HRCs (December 2022)
- HRC Online Access Booking System (September 2023)
Future service transformation initiatives are planned to further improve our Borough recycling rate towards the 70% target identified for 2030.
- Kerbside Bin Collections Review
The Council has agreed to a comprehensive review of its kerbside bin collections model, to ensure that the configuration of bin collections for different waste streams is optimised to produce the best possible recycling outcomes. It is anticipated that proposals for a way forward will be brought to Elected Members towards the end of this year.
- Review of our Household Recycling Centre Estate (HRC)
The Council has agreed to a full review of its HRC estate, looking at the design and location of HRC sites to ensure that there is a capital plan in place to upgrade its network of facilities in a way that will optimize sustainable waste resource management outcomes. It is anticipated that a draft strategy paper will be brought to Council in autumn with proposals for a way forward on this review.
He continued "The Council's recent efforts have not only improved environmental governance but have also had a positive impact on the financial burden of waste disposal for ratepayers. The reduction in the amount of waste being sent to landfill annually since 2015 means that the Borough's ratepayers are now being spared an additional cost burden of £2.5M each year, based on the current landfill tax rate and gate fee".
For more information see Environment Committee June 2024