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Consultation Dates and Survey

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PEACEPLUS Consultation Process Update: March 2023

Since October 2022 the Ards and North Down PEACEPLUS Partnership has engaged with almost 900 people through public consultation events, online surveys, meetings and focus groups to inform the development of a PEACEPLUS Plan for the Borough. 

Some 535 project concept ideas have been generated through the engagement process.  A number of these project concepts are duplicate or similar project ideas, some may already have funding secured or may be ineligible based on the current ineligible categories socialised by the funding body, the Special EU Programmes Body.  These include; employability focused activities, single identity activities, small grants, largescale public realm schemes or those which are more suited to support through other government departments or funding for individuals.   

In addition, any capital projects (under Theme 1) shortlisted for inclusion in the PEACEPLUS Plan need to be realistic, sustainable & deliverable within the timeframe, demonstrate value for money and aligned to PEACEPLUS objectives.  

Ultimately, all final projects or programmes supported must make a tangible contribution to peace building within the Ards and North Down area.  

During the next stage in the engagement process the long list of project concept ideas will be filtered down to around 20-25 projects or programmes by the PEACEPLUS Partnership.  Over the next couple of months, more detailed specifications will be developed for each project or programme informed by the wide range of engagement results and concepts received.  This will inform the next step in the co-design process.  

The total indicative budget for the PEACEPLUS Plan is €5,681,833 and this will be spilt across the three thematic areas which are: 

  • Theme 1 - Local Community Regeneration and Transformation (max. 30 - 40% of the budget allocation) 
  • Theme 2 - Thriving and Peaceful Communities (max. 30 - 40% of the budget allocation) 
  • Theme 3 - Celebrating Cultures and Diversity (min. 20% of the budget allocation) 

For more information contact the PEACE Team by emailing: 

Consultation Dates and Survey October / November 2022

In development of the Action Plan, the Council are required to identify the relevant PEACEPLUS issues in the area and allow people to have a say in the way in which the plan is developed and implemented at a local level in line with Community Planning.

The PEACEPLUS Partnership will be commencing a co-design process to develop the PEACEPLUS Action Plan and will be holding a number of public consultation meetings across the Borough to seek your views. The meetings will be at the following venues in October/November 2022:

  • 17 October Donaghadee Community Centre (7-9pm)
  • 27 October Redburn Community Centre, Holywood (7-9pm)
  • 15 November Londonderry Park, Newtownards (7-9pm)
  • 17 November Portaferry Market House (2-4pm)
  • 21 November Comber Community Centre (7-9pm)
  • 22 November Town Hall, Bangor (7-9pm)
  • 24 November Portavogie Community Centre (7-9pm)
  • 28 November Bangor Sportsplex (7-9pm)

An additional 'wrap-around' consultation event will be held online Wednesday 22 February from 7pm to 9pm. If you would like to register for this event, please email or telephone 0300 013 333 extension 40256.

An online Ards and North Down PEACEPLUS Survey was open from 9 November 2022 to 20 January 2023 to enable residents to share views on what might be the peace building priorities for the area.

The Programme is a funding partnership between the European Union, the Governments of the United Kingdom and Ireland, and the Northern Ireland Executive and will be administered by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

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