Part One
Part 1: Summary, Explanation and Articles of the Constitution
Article 1: (PDF, 113 KB) (opens new window) The powers of the Council and the purpose of the constitution
Article 2: (PDF, 117 KB) (opens new window) The composition of the Council, the roles and functions of all Councillors, conduct and the scheme of allowances payable
Article 3: (PDF, 65 KB) (opens new window) The rights and responsibilities of citizens
Article 4: (PDF, 170 KB) (opens new window) The policy and budget framework within which the Council operates, the functions of the Council and responsibility for functions
Article 5: (PDF, 155 KB) (opens new window) The role of the Chairperson/Mayor
Article 6: (PDF, 199 KB) (opens new window) Details of the decision-making structure adopted by the Council
Article 7: (PDF, 49 KB) (opens new window) Details on the executive arrangements operated by the Council
Article 8: (PDF, 53 KB) (opens new window): Details on how the Council's overview and scrutiny arrangements will operate
Article 9: (PDF, 80 KB) (opens new window) The arrangements adopted by the Council for the discharge of functions by committees
Article 10 (PDF, 64 KB) (opens new window) The operation of any joint committee's
Article 11: (PDF, 80 KB) (opens new window) The Council's management structure, the functions of chief officers, conduct and employment
Article 12: (PDF, 133 KB) (opens new window) Responsibility for decision-making, principles of decision-making, the role of the Council and committees
Article 13 (PDF, 62 KB) (opens new window): The Council's arrangements for the conduct of its financial matters, the making of contracts and the handling of legal matters
Article 14 (PDF, 21 KB) (opens new window)The arrangements for the review and revision of the constitution
Article 15: (PDF, 63 KB) (opens new window) Matters relating to the suspension of the constitution, its interpretation and publication.