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HRC Booking System Privacy Notice

 Ards and North Down Borough Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK GDPR, which means it determines what your personal data is used for and why it is collected. This privacy notice states how we collect and process data.

What data do we collect?

We collect:

  • Email address 
  • Postal address 
  • Car registration
  • Date and time of visit
  • Categories of waste 
  • Site visited

How is the data used?

We use this information to allocate an available slot at the Recycling Centre. We will send a confirmation email to the user and also provide details of how to cancel or amend a booking. We may also need to contact you to cancel a booking. We also monitor the number of visits to sites to ensure there is no abuse of the system.

The legal basis

The legal basis for processing personal data in relation to domestic waste and recycling is part of our public task and is legally required under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Who is the data shared with?

Sometimes we may need to share your information, but we will only do so where we have a valid legal basis to share data. How long to we keep your data? We only store your personal information for as long as it is needed. All data is retained for 13 months for monitoring purposes, however car registration and postal address details are anonymised after 2 months.

What are your rights?

Your personal data is yours. You have the right to get copies of the information we hold about you. It is also your right to complain about our use of your data to the Information Commissioners Office, who are our regulator, but please contact us first to try and resolve any problems. If you want to request information regarding your data, please email:

The Data Protection Officer:

You may also write to: The Data Protection Officer, c/o Ards and North Down Borough Council, City Hall, Bangor, BT20 4BT or telephone: 0300 013 3333.

Read more: Privacy and Cookies - Ards and North Down Borough Council

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