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Consultation: Dogs on Leads Order (Holywood)

Consultation on Draft Dog on Leads (North Down Coastal Path) Order 2025

Take note that under the provisions of Part 5 section 40(1) of the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 that Ards and North Down Borough Council intends to make an Order requiring dogs to be kept on a lead, maximum length 2 meters, on the following lands, in addition to those already in place under The North Down Borough Council Dog on Leads (Promenades and Gardens) Order 2013.

That part of North Down Coastal path fronting dwellings 91 to 117 Station Road, Holywood, BT18 0BU and indicated between lines A and B on the map below.

The Council will be pleased to receive any written comments from members of the public or other interested groups on or before the 27 March 2025. (28 days from notice date)

Map of area

Download Proposed Order :  Consultation on Draft Dog on Leads Order (PDF, 143 KB) (opens new window)

A copy of the proposed Order and associated map can be downloaded from the link above. They may also be inspected free of charge at the Offices of the Council at both the City Hall, The Castle, Bangor and 2 Church Street, Newtownards between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday until and including the 27 March 2025. A copy of the Order may also be obtained at the above addresses.

The Council will be pleased to receive any written comments from members of the public or other interested groups on or before the 27 March 2025. (28 days from notice date.)

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is a 'Dog on Leads Order'? 

A 'Dog on Leads Order' is a piece of legislation requiring dogs to be kept on a lead of not more than 2m length, whilst in the designated area. A Dog on Leads Order is enabled under the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act (Northern Ireland) 2011. 


What would be required by the Order? 

Those in control/having responsibility for the control of the dog are required to ensure that all dogs are keep on a lead, of not more than 2m length at all times whilst in the designated area.      


Why are the Council proposing this Order? 

The Council has received a 'Notice of Motion' from Elected Members requesting this action to assist the owners of this area of the pathway.  

This section of the North Down Coastal Path passes over a private roadway which is held in private ownership. The Order would reduce the incidents of straying of dogs from the roadway on to the private gardens of the adjoining houses and the associate disturbance of the residents. 

The keeping of dogs on lead also reduces the incidents of fouling. 

Where would this apply? 

The Order would apply on the North Down Coastal Path on the section marked red on the accompanying map, between points A and B. The Order would apply to the full width of the path including grass verges and walls/sloped masonry, and across the full width of the private roadway. 


Will the area to which to Order applies be signposted? 

The control area will be marked by signage at each end. 


How would it affect me?

  • As a landowner? - if you own an area of land to which the proposed Order would apply, the control of the Order do not apply to you on your land only, or to those you give permission to use your premises for a dog off lead on your land only. 
  • As a Dog walker? - You will be required to put your dog on a lead, not more than 2m in length, and keep it on lead from the point and time of entry, to the point and time of exit from the controlled area. 
  • As a user of the Coastal path? - If you use the Coastal path without a dog, then the Order does not apply to you. However, on the controlled section of the path you need to be aware that dogs will be on lead. 


How do I support / oppose / make comment on the proposals? 

Via letter to Ards and North Down Borough Council, 2 Church Street, Newtownards, BT23 4AP or email to  

How would the Order be enforced?  

The area will be patrolled by Council Enforcement Officers as and when the situation and opportunity arise. 


What is the penalty for not complying with the Order? 

Where an offence is detected, a Fixed penalty Notice will be issued. The fine is £80 

Where a fine is not paid the Council may take court proceedings.   

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