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Over 1,600 Primary 7 Pupils Attend BeeSafe in Newtownards


The Deputy Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor David Chambers, visited Ards Arena Youth Resource Centre at the end of a two-week BeeSafe educational programme that hosted over 1,600 pupils and more than 40 schools from across the Borough.

Funded by Ards and North Down Borough Council as well as Ards and North Down Police and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP), BeeSafe is aimed at Primary 7 children who are preparing for their transition out of primary school.

The programme is designed to promote community and personal safety while also reducing anti-social behaviour within the Borough. Topics covered included bus safety, fire safety, home safety, internet safety, anti-social behaviour and mental health.

The Deputy Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor David Chambers, said:

"This is an exciting time for all Year 7 students as they near the end of primary school and get ready to move to the next stage in their academic paths. It was great to see so many of them benefitting from this year's programme which has helped to equip and prepare them for the transition. I hope they all enjoyed the programme and wish them well in their future studies."

The Chair of Ards and North Down PCSP, Councillor Vicky Moore, said:

"BeeSafe is a multi-agency project aimed at Primary 7 children and designed to promote community and personal safety as well as reduce anti-social behaviour, crime and fear of crime within the Borough. It has been viewed by many that Primary 7 is a key age to engage with children, when they are open to new ideas and are able to fully understand key safety messages and more likely to apply the learning they receive, especially when they move in to the next stage of their education at secondary level when they may face these dangers for the first time. We are delighted to be able to support such an important and worthwhile initiative."

Photo caption: Deputy Mayor of Ards and North Down, Councillor David Chambers, is pictured with the Chair of Ards and North Down Policing and Community Safety Partnership, Councillor Vicky Moore, alongside representatives of the PSNI, NIFRS, Translink, the Council's Community Safety and Home Safety teams, plus pupils from Newtownards Model Primary School, Ballywalter Primary School and Millisle Primary School.

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