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Members of the public can join meetings in person or via the online link provided in the table below. Please note that there is limited seating in the Council Chamber for the public so entry works on a first come, first served basis.

Please see the schedule below. Please note that all Meetings start at 7.00pm unless otherwise stated. 

DateVenueAgendaAudioLive Stream Link
Thursday 9 JanuaryChurch Street, N'ards View 9 January agenda (PDF, 1 MB) (opens new window)Listen to 9 January audioLink expired
Thursday 6 FebruaryChurch Street, N'ards View 6 February agenda (PDF, 3 MB) (opens new window)Listen to 6 February audioLink expired
Thursday 6 MarchChurch Street, N'ards View 6 March agenda (PDF, 2 MB) (opens new window)Listen to 6 March audio Link expired
Thursday 3 AprilChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followWatch live on YouTube
Thursday 8 MayChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followWatch live on YouTube
Thursday 12 JuneChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followWatch live on YouTube
Thursday 4 SeptemberChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followLink to follow
Thursday 9 OctoberChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followLink to follow
Thursday 6 NovemberChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followLink to follow
Thursday 4 DecemberChurch Street, N'ardsTBCTo followLink to follow


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