New Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Ards and North Down

Ards and North Down Borough Council has elected Councillor Alistair Cathcart and Councillor David Chambers to the roles of Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the incoming term of office. The appointments were made earlier today (5 June) during the Annual Meeting of the Council.
The first monthly meeting of the Council under the direction of the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor will take place on Wednesday 26 June.
As he took up the role of Mayor, Councillor Cathcart said: "I am genuinely humbled to be given this opportunity, it is an immense honour to become Mayor of my hometown and my Borough. During my year as Mayor, I look forward to visiting and highlighting those who are playing their role in building a better Borough.
"While recognising there are always challenges, I have genuine optimism that we can build a better Borough. I have seen during my time as a Councillor so many amazing people, community groups, church groups, charities, and volunteers that we are blessed to have here.
"The Council is looking to a bright future. The Queens Parade development, the various projects of the Belfast Region City Deal, greenways, and town and village plans, to name just a few. Huge opportunities, if got right, can transform this place for the better. We must all work together to secure the potential that we know this Borough has.
"I know that we have hundreds of employees in this organisation from our new terrific Chief Executive to staff at all levels, who are committed to public service and to the effort to improve our Borough daily. Certainly, I receive positive can-do responses often out of hours to the endless service requests that I send through.
"I know that all Mayors say when they are in the role, that they are taken aback at how much the Council does, we are much more than parks, cemeteries, and bins. We put on many amazing events, festivities, and initiatives. My diary is certainly filling up rightly already with these. I look forward to meeting so many more staff in my year ahead and highlighting the work that does go on."
The incoming Mayor took the opportunity to pass on his thanks to his party leader, DUP colleagues and indeed all parties and members of the public. He also thanked his family for their continued support and his fiancé Ashley, the Mayoress of Ards and North Down. Councillor Cathcart also paid tribute to his predecessor, Councillor Gilmour who has had a fantastic year in her role.
He concluded by saying "I am looking forward to the year ahead, meeting with the communities, organisations and people that make this such a wonderful Borough to live, work and visit. I plan to proactively advocate for this Borough and will listen and work with all to improve this place for the better."